Voyagone Experiences
According to Paul Nussbaum, a psychologist and adjunct professor of neurological surgery at the University of Pittsburgh, it’s not surprising that we feel more inspired when traveling.
To start, travel literally changes our brains’ structures. “Travel puts us into a novel and challenging situation we’re not familiar with, so we’re using our cortex,” Nussbaum says. This activation causes our brain to sprout new dendrites, which are tiny branches on the brain cell that pulls in information from the outside world.
The more dendritic branches we grow, the more resilient our brains become.

Hôtel des Grands Boulevards – A Camptivating Blend of Spicy Avant-garde and Velvety Elegance
If there’s one place that never loses its glamour, and never fails to pique our imagination, it’s France’s urbane capital.

Hôtel de NELL – A Quiet Oasis Within the Buzz